Latest news
2023 New Conversational English sessions -
Following lots of consultation with our local Ukrainian friends about priorities and needs, the Saturday club which ran for much of last year is currently on hold, in favour of a range of informal opportunities to meet and chat in English in different locations. Local volunteers now offer coffee and conversational English at several homes and cafes in the area, as well as invitations to attend local events, church coffee mornings and other activities. These are great opportunities to get together to chat in English and to mingle with local friends. They are also complementing the formal English lessons which are provided locally.
Churt Summer Fête -
June saw some of the Ukrainians and their hosts running a colourful and well attended stall at the Churt Fête, raising funds for various Ukraine related causes, through face painting, homemade jewellery sales and delicious freshly-baked Ukrainian treats.
Saturday Club -
Since 14 May, we have organised a weekly club in the village for families who have just arrived in Churt (or the immediately surrounding area) to practise and develop their English skills and start to get to know a few other people in the village. This is a small and informal club offering free English sessions and is open to all ages and levels/abilities. Two or three wonderful teachers have lead the sessions for us and a few other volunteers help with refreshments and activities to occupy and entertain any younger children. The venue is Churt Club, the time 9.30 to 11am. We try to open on most Sat mornings, depending on staffing. Please contact Alex in advance if you would like to know more about how Ukrainians can attend (or if you are interested in volunteering). One of the teachers also runs an extra mid-week English class, wherever possible.
Update on Ukrainian families - 12 May 2022
A number of Ukrainian families have now safely reached their Churt hosts and several others are due imminently.
Update on Ukrainian families - 30 April 2022
We have good news! The first Ukrainian families have already arrived and are settling in. Several others have visas confirmed or partially confirmed.
Update on Ukrainian families - 21 April 2022
Almost all Churt sponsors are still waiting for new on visas, however it looks as if we may have some movement and at least one visa appears to be on its way. Watch this space.
Churt Homes for Ukraine Meeting - 19 April 2022
Churt for Ukraine held an initial meeting at Churt Club on Tuesday 19 April. This was a well attended and very positive meeting of sponsors and many other interested parties, including some of those who are not in a position to host but are keen to lend additional support. Full report to follow shortly.

Update on Ukrainian families - 17 April 2022
Churt sponsors and their Ukrainian friends are currently waiting for new on visas.